man farming tomatoes

Prayer is the Foundation I was trained as a DMM leader to go to a new location in West Africa and conduct a prayer walk in the village. While we prayed, we were encouraged to also research the needs of that community. As we identified those needs, we sought the Lord about how to answer … Read more

God Uses Unlikely Leaders At New Generations, we often talk about the “unlikely leaders” God chooses to use for building His Kingdom. What’s amazing is, this isn’t new. God used unlikely leaders all throughout Scripture. Moses was an unlikely spiritual leader of the people of Israel. He couldn’t give an eloquent speech on his own. … Read more

Hiba* followed a different religion, but she knew nothing about her beliefs. She was married and raised children, and then steadily, God began to draw her toward Him with a hunger for (what she would discover is) His love. When one disciple-maker from her neighborhood told her about the love of God and the Lord … Read more

One of the foundational elements of Disciple Making Movements is the commitment of ordinary people willing to follow Jesus in obedience to the Great Commission. This often looks like unlikely leaders taking ownership of their calling to make disciples who make disciples. Today, we get to hear a testimony from Roy, who discovered his own … Read more

Ewoi’s Story Ewoi is a Disciple Maker living in the Turkana community. He was born into a Christian family. After finishing high school, he started a motorcycle business, so that he could make a living. He hired a motorbike, and every day he had to pay the owner a fee. Every day the job was … Read more

Linda’s Story I’ve always wanted to learn how to read the Bible, but it never made sense to me. I was thrilled when a disciple-making friend said that two of my friends also wanted to learn about God. This friend promised that I would be able to learn what God wanted to say to me … Read more

My reflection for 2023 has two big headlines: what God did on the ground and the people like you who made it possible. As far as the Kingdom impact, the results are simply stunning! Over 15,000 new churches were started, and 200,000 new disciples joined the family of God. Achmed One of these was a … Read more

How Discovery Bible Study Impacts Church Growth I was a man who trusted pastors rather than trusting in God. It all began with an invitation. Mariko invited me to a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) training in the village where I lived. The next day I attended the training, and we discovered a lot of things … Read more

Recently, we learned of a tribal believer who wanted to buy rice seedlings from a high-caste rice farmer for the next season. You can hardly imagine a greater social gap than the one between these two people. The farmer was reluctant to promise anything to the tribal man because a late-season storm was headed straight … Read more

Sometimes, we overcomplicate the process of making disciples who make disciples. Ordinary people are reaching out to influence people in their natural networks. And people are discovering Jesus because of it. Here is a testimony from a disciple maker who realized the power of his influence on his own son: N was attending a Discovery … Read more