Multiplying Movements

Scripture Focus

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” —Matthew 24:14 (NIV)


Throughout this series, you’ve witnessed the incredible power of simple yet transformative steps that are spreading the Gospel around the world. 

You’ve seen how it all begins with prayer — the driving force behind every movement. As prayer fuels the mission, compassion in action follows, meeting practical needs and softening hearts to receive the Gospel. 

By extending compassion, you’ve come to understand the critical role of finding a “Person of Peace” — someone spiritually receptive and influential within their community. These key individuals become the gateway to gathering people into Discovery Bible Studies, where they engage directly with God’s Word and embark on the journey of discipleship.

As individuals discover the truth in Scripture and begin to live in obedience to what they read, their lives are transformed. This Holy Spirit-led process naturally compels them to share what they’ve learned, resulting in the multiplication of groups and the making of more disciples. As these groups multiply, entire communities experience the new life that Jesus offers. With ongoing coaching, these groups mature into churches. And as the DNA of multiplication takes root, these churches also begin to reproduce, leading to exponential growth. When over a hundred churches are formed, we call that a Disciple Making Movement.

In just the second quarter of 2024, New Generations has witnessed God’s extraordinary work through the Disciple Making Movement process. We saw 73,978 new disciples raised up through the launch of 10,406 Discovery Bible Studies. Additionally, 6,243 previously formed groups matured into churches, and 3 engagements reached movement status. This explosive, reproducible process has now taken root in 60 different countries. We are living in a time of unprecedented Gospel activity!

(To learn more about how we validate the quantity and quality of these movements, visit our evaluation team’s webpage.)

After witnessing God’s mighty hand at work, we are more convinced than ever that the Great Commission can be fulfilled in our lifetime. Jesus declared, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). 

We stand firm on this promise, believing that through this chain reaction of disciples making disciples, we can see a cascade of churches planting churches, multiplying the Gospel into every corner of the earth.

Questions for Personal Growth

  • How can you leverage your own social network to spread the Gospel within your community?
  • What steps can you take to move from simple obedience to active disciple-making in your daily life?

Action Step

Identify one or two people in your social network who might be open to hearing about Jesus. Reach out to them this week — start a conversation, encourage them in some way, or invite them to church with you. Consider how you can intentionally invest in these relationships and open the door to a spiritual conversation. As you do this, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your words and actions, trusting that He can use you to spark a movement in their lives.


Lord, thank You for the powerful example of the early disciples who, despite having so little, were able to turn the world upside down through simple obedience and the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me to see the opportunities within my own social networks to share the Gospel and make disciples. Give me the courage to take action, to be obedient to Your call, and to inspire others to do the same. May Your Spirit ignite a movement in and through me that spreads like wildfire. In Jesus’ name, Amen.