From Resistance to Resonance
Farrah,* a woman deeply rooted in her Islamic faith, stood strongly against other religions. One day, our team conducted a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in her village, and her children attended. When she discovered they were there, she called them ...
Read MoreNorth Africa Experiences Dreams and Visions
For 25 years, we have been praying for the salvation of the T peoples,* a large, nomadic group residing in Northern Africa. Five years ago, there were less than 100 Jesus-followers in the entire nation, and the rest were resistant ...
Read MoreGod Moves, Even On Soccer Fields
The doors to communities swing open when love knocks. And we’re seeing this unfold in Southern Africa with local leaders, moved by compassion to provide job training and other skills to the community. Joseph* and his team have been working ...
Read MoreTangible Care Leads to Multiplication
As a mostly isolated and unreached people group, the Pygmies of East Africa typically don’t associate with other people. There are often relational and cultural barriers built up, preventing a breakthrough of Disciple Making Movement work in this region. However, ...
Read MoreA Breakthrough in Côte d’Ivoire
Kade* is a new follower of Jesus among the Moko* people. He lives in a large village of about 2,000 people. He is probably the only follower of Jesus in his village, and there are almost no Christians among his ...
Read MoreFrom Prostitute to Pastor
New Generations equips nationals to plant churches in 53 nations. Last month, in a leader meeting hosted in Nairobi, Kenya, this moving and challenging story was shared: A group of us met regularly to pray for our community. Near our ...
Read MoreOrdinary People, Extraordinary God
New Generations is committed to the idea that the only way to complete the Great Commission is through ordinary people multiplying disciples in their natural networks. In a recent interview, this question was raised to Aila Tasse, East Africa Regional ...
Read MoreKingdom Triumph over COVID in South Asia
Chiranjeevi is a New Generations DMM Coordinator who oversees 10 DMM Catalysts in Telangana, and 23 DMM Catalysts in Andhra Pradesh. The work in this very difficult area is among both the High Caste and the Backward Caste. Chiranjeevi is ...
Read MoreYucatan Peninsula Update
From a DMM leader: God is moving through disciple-makers in the Yucutan Peninsula! We were able to accomplish a lot of training and witness numerous miracles during our time. We are witnessing the gospel being planted in several of the ...
Read MoreCatalyst Camp Ignition: Part 1
In 2016 while reading God’s word, I saw that a tree is known by its fruit. We call it a mango tree because there are mangos on it. I used to think that fruits were the good things that I ...
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