Put God’s Word into waiting hands

All gifts by December 31 will be DOUBLED!

Your gift today can change lives in places where people are encountering God’s Word for the very first time.

Imagine a Bible in the hands of someone who has been searching for peace, assurance, and hope. In Congo, a chief witch doctor’s life was transformed after hearing the Bible in his own language, and now his entire village resonates with the truth of God’s Word.

When you give, you can share this life-changing gift with people in the hardest-to-reach places in our world today. 

And every dollar you give will be DOUBLED through a $50,000 Matching Grant if given by December 31.

Here’s what your generosity can make possible:

  • $50 will put a Bible in the hands of 5 people searching for hope, peace, and assurance.
  • $500 will provide a Bible for 50 families and communities, opening doors for the Gospel to spread.
  • $1,000 will place a Bible into 100 villages and communities eager to learn about God, helping transform lives and generations.

Please give your best gift today, knowing it will be DOUBLED to reach even more people hungry for God’s Word. 

Together, we can put thousands of Bibles into waiting hands in the world’s hardest-to-reach places!