Illuminating the journey towards movements

Miraculous Movements

“This is a paradigm shifting movement of God that anyone and everyone committed to making disciples must read and apply! I passionately recommend it.“
-Chip Ingram, Senior Pastor, Venture Christian Church

How do the people most resistant to the transformative power of the gospel come to be its most devoted followers? Miraculous Movement recounts an amazing change taking place within Muslim communities where the truth of Jesus Christ is turning around the lives of many thousands of Muslims from more than twenty people groups. Discover through the sometimes humorous, often sobering, but always enlightening and encouraging true stories how imams, sheikhs, and entire mosques are forsaking Islam and embracing Christ.

This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel.

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Cabbages in the Desert: How God Transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalyzed Disciple Making Movements among Unreached Peoples

“Dr. Aila Tasse invites us to hear some of the most thrilling stories of what God is doing in the world. From a literal and physical desert of unreached people groups we have seen God do a miracle of filling the land with multiplying disciples and churches.“
-Stanley Parks, Ph.D., 24:14 Global Team; Vice President, BEYOND

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Are Disciple Making Movements really happening among unreached peoples and Muslims?

If so, how are they happening? And what do those movements look like? You’ll find answers to these questions and many more in Cabbages in the Desert, where a devout Muslim teenager meets a kind Christian teacher. Radically transformed then banished from home, Aila receives a vision of unreached peoples coming to Christ. After successfully helping plant many churches, he hears a challenge to explore a more fruitful approach: Disciple Making Movements.

Cabbages in the Desert provides inspiration and insight about the dynamics of Disciple Making Movements. It also goes beyond that, encouraging practical application for all who want to see the Lord do similar work in their life and context. The same God who does amazing things in East, Horn, and Southern Africa, also desires to work in and through you!

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The Kingdom Unleashed

“The Kingdom Unleashed will take you out of your world into the wider world of God’s work.“
-Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary

With only a little faith, anyone can change the world. When everyday people follow and obey Jesus, extraordinary things happen. Lives are transformed. Communities become beacons of hope. But with so many Christians, why is the world still in such sad shape? Why isn’t the church living up to its full potential? In The Kingdom Unleashed authors Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine show how we, as Christian disciples, can live in a kingdom-building way. When we follow the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, we make disciple-making disciples who will help bring in God’s kingdom. Through this book, Trousdale and Sunshine connect us with the Spirit of God, who empowers us to accomplish His will.

Spent Matches

“Spent Match is core, simple, easy to follow, and reproducible – anytime – anywhere. For the gospel to go viral and the Great Commission to be fulfilled, will require all different kinds of churches, some just like this book talks about. Read it and apply it!“
– Bob Roberts, Jr.
Author Bold as Love and Senior Pastor, Northwood Church, Keller, TX

Spent Matches explores the possibility that a few small paradigm shifts within the church might make the difference between extinction and effectiveness. In fact, taking a clue from the automobile industry, the church might be able to not only halt the rapid decay in attendance but also become an effective tool in achieving Jesus’ final command. For instance, the Hybrid car has become the answer to Detroit’s environmental and oil crisis issues. Finding the synergy between two technologies, gas and electric has created a new day for the auto industry. Likewise, Spent Matchesexplores how the church can find synergy between two seemingly competing thoughts: an invitation to come and a command to go. The Hybrid metaphor brings energy to the church’s mission and an explanation to the age-old argument of Missional versus Attractional methods.


“I have had several opportunities to visit with Chris over the past ten years, and one thing sticks out: Chris wants to be on the front line of wherever God is at work. Chris’s new book is the story of “What’s next?“ for an incredibly successful megachurch pastor when the megachurch he founded was not capable of reaching all peoples in all nations… The book is an easy read and will challenge anyone who reads it to ask the question, “What’s it going to take to fulfill the Great Commission in our generations?“
– David Watson
Co-Author of Contagious Disciple Making

What would cause Experience Life Church, frequently named one of the fastest-growing churches in the country, to completely change directions? Why would they risk an attendance drop and a decrease in giving to pursue a vision that has seldom been attempted in the American church? The leaders of Experience Life knew this journey would be risky and calculated the costs before ever beginning. They believed that following Jesus and aiming to reach millions was worth any cost. Be careful with this book! It might inspire you to risk everything you have to follow Jesus. You’ve been warned.

The Jesus Strategy: How Jesus Taught Followers to Carry Out His Vision

“I have applied this strategy first-hand and can attest to its power in multiplying disciples! Tom reminds us that God is already drawing people to himself and we need to focus on finding those in whom God is already working.”
-Chris Galanos
Author of From Megachurch to Multiplication

What was Jesus’ core message? Most Christians don’t know the answer to this question. Most of us were never taught how to speak with our neighbors about the Kingdom of God. The Jesus Strategy offers a practical guide to learn how to share Jesus’ good news in the way He taught His followers. By taking a fresh look at familiar stories, we will see how Jesus’ brilliant strategy is laid out in the gospel accounts. You will be challenged to consider a different approach to both evangelism and discipleship. The Jesus Strategy will show you how to experience the joy of applying Jesus’ principles of making more fruitful Kingdom disciples, who then make other disciples.

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