Unleashing Movements

For such a time as this.

Making a Difference in the Great Commission

New Generations is empowering ordinary people all over the world to create chain reactions of disciples making disciples.

Movements of new followers of Christ have already CLIMBED over 2.6 million.

For such a time as this!

Good things are happening in ministry around the world. And yet while many battles are being won, the people of God are still losing the bigger war. Over the past 100 years, the world has remained about 30% Christian. Despite 2,000 years of effort and investment, entire populations remain virtually untouched by the Gospel. Current “solutions” provide answers for reaching hundreds of thousands, but the focus must be on reaching millions and billions. The painful reality is that traditional approaches to missions are simply not sufficient to finish the task. But movements are making a difference.

Can you trust the numbers?

Our Shepherding Support Team is dedicated to evaluating qualitative and quantitative data to ensure the replication process of disciples making disciples is sustainable without us.

The Gospel Going Viral!

To complete the Great Commission, the Gospel must spread naturally, accurately, and quickly. God is calling His people to return to the principles that catalyzed the explosive growth of the early church. His desire is for all people to obey and worship Him—and challenge others to do the same. The real game-changers are not those who merely believe in Jesus, but those who follow Him.

Disciple Making Movements (DMM) are the key because they are Simple, Sustainable, and Scalable.



The engine that drives DMM is a process we call “Discovery Bible Study,” where spiritually interested people meet together to study the Bible by asking the following questions: What does the passage say? What does it mean? What will I do? Who can I tell?



Because new groups and new churches only do what they can afford, DMMs can be sustained without dependence on outside resources.



As ordinary people repeat the DMM process within their personal networks, the Gospel spreads virally.

The Kingdom Unleashed

The Kingdom Unleashed

How Jesus’ 1st – Century Kingdom Values Are Transforming Thousands of Cultures and Awakening His Church.

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From Despair to Hope

In a rural Indian village known for its farming and religious traditions, life was tough for many laborers. Superstition and ritual practices shaped daily routines, leaving little room for hope or change. This is the…
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