Updates & Reports
Updates on what God is doing in New Generations
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18 Years Shown in Infographics
New Generations was established July of 2018 but our team has been pursuing Disciple Making Movements since 2005. Here is one page of infographics highlighting what God has done over the years.
ViewNew Generations Overview
This 13 paged booklet unpacks our mission to launch Disciple Making Movements, outlines our approach to ministry, shows where we work, and casts vision for where we believe God is calling us in the future.
View2023 Annual Report
In 2023 alone, 21,181 new churches were started and 330,233 new disciples joined the family of God! Read more about what God did on the ground in 2023 and the people of God who made it possible!
ViewQuarterly Reports & Newsletters
Read them and download them, they’re here for you.
Summer 2024
Unleashed Newsletter
God is using friends like you to unleash the Good News to some of the 5 billion people in the world who can’t read or who learn best by listening!
ViewSpring 2024
Unleashed Newsletter
How Jesus made disciples, if anything, was extraordinarily, unbelievably simple. He taught His disciples to make disciples in their natural networks and repeat the process…
ViewWinter 2023
Unleashed Newsletter
God is doing what He did before. Thousands of new churches are springing up in difficult places through the work of ordinary people—people like you, me, heads of corporations, and presidents of nations.
View2nd Quarter 2023
From the President: “As you read this report, you will in effect be reading the next chapter of Acts. God is doing what He did before. Thousands of new churches are springing up in difficult places through the work of ordinary people.”
View5 Year Anniversary Report
We’re celebrating 5 years of New Generations becoming an independent organization. Download our 5 year anniversary report and celebrate the work God is doing through Disciple Making Movements with us!
View4th Quarter 2022
From the president: As you will see in the attached report, at the end of 2022 we passed the threshold of 100,000 new churches! To God be the glory for this incredible achievement. 100,000 is a big number but the big news is…
View3rd Quarter 2022
From the President: “A Great Light! The prophet Isaiah peered through the fog of the future and declared, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light” (Isa. 9:2). “
View2nd Quarter 2022
From the President: “1 Corinthians 9:24 says, ‘Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win!’”
View1st Quarter 2022
From the President: “In the four years since New Generations moved from being the international church planting division of a much larger organization, God has done more than we could have ever imagined!
View4th Quarter 2021
From the President: “…We’ve seen His goodness, His provision, and His power at work, and the wins we highlight are solely reliant on His favor and grace to us. And we’ve cried out in brokenness for His provision and presence. In all seasons, He is good.”
View3rd Quarter 2021
From the President: “With what seemed like a quick blink of the eye, we’ve signed off on 2021 and here we are, racing into 2022… and it makes for an excellent opportunity to rehearse God’s faithfulness looking back through recent highlights.
View2nd Quarter 2021
From the President: “In the ever-turbulent times we find ourselves in, I cannot help but be reminded of John 16:33. Jesus tells us, “In this world you will have trouble…”
View1st Quarter 2021 / 3 Year Anniversary
From the President: “As I reflect on the year just ended, my thoughts go to the incredible Team God has assembled. I find three consistent qualities among this group…”
View4th Quarter 2020
Every three months we produce a succinct report of what we have witnessed God doing in the major regions where we work during the prior quarter. Click below to download our most recent report.
View3rd Quarter 2020
The advance of the Kingdom of God always comes at a price. During the last few months, we have seen the tragedy of evil countered by God’s redemptive power in some very difficult situations…
View2nd Quarter 2020
These are challenging times, but God is showing Himself faithful. Covid-19 is still wreaking havoc in the developing world because the ‘cure’ (extended lockdowns) is worse than the disease…
View1st Quarter 2020 / 2 Year Anniversary
In the two years since New Generations moved from being a division of Cityteam Ministries to becoming an independent organization, God has done more than we could have ever imagined…
View4th Quarter 2019
By God’s grace, 2019 was a very good year for New Generations. As you will see, for the year overall, the Lord granted 9,588 new churches made up of 177,368 new followers of Jesus…
View3rd Quarter 2019
There is an old saying, “Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but God alone can count the apples in a seed.” How true this is in the story you are about to read…
View2nd Quarter 2019
The advance of the Kingdom of God always comes at a price. During the last few months, we have seen the tragedy of evil countered by God’s redemption in some very difficult situations.…
View1st Quarter 2019
A great scriptural theme is that one person can make an incredible difference. We find the ultimate example in the contrast between Adam and the Lord Jesus in Romans 5:19…
View4th Quarter 2018
God continues to do much more than we could have possibly imagined. Attached you will find our report for 2018 which includes the number of new disciples and churches…
View3rd Quarter 2018
South Asia, as of this last quarter, became our most productive region. We have now seen God raise up 12,719 new churches and 125,789 new followers of Chris Jesus.
View2nd Quarter 2018
Disciple Making Movements are impacting the world for the Kingdom in unprecedented ways. Muslim Imams are becoming church planters, former witch doctors are…