
Supporting those directly in need

Loving As A Lifestyle: Not A Program

When Jesus said the whole law is summed up in loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself, He removed any distinction between social and spiritual ministry. They are two parts of the same heart. If one part is missing, the heart is broken. For the gospel to be ‘good news’ to hurting people, it must be something they experience, not just hear. We don’t provide clean water, start schools, or help people feed themselves just so they’ll come to Jesus. We do it because we have come to Jesus. The doors to communities swing open when love knocks. And the journey starts where we desire it to finish—with seekers becoming followers who love their neighbor as a lifestyle, not a program.


East Africa is facing an unprecedented crisis because of two disasters hitting at the same time.  The first is the worst drought/famine in 40 years. The second is a long, drawn-out civil war (2.5 years) that is tearing the region apart. Either of these situations by themselves would be overwhelming but together, the devastation is unimaginable!

Please join us in helping those in desperate need!

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The people of Northern Kenya experience chronic hunger and the threat of famine. Recurring droughts make it difficult for farmers and herders to produce crops and feed livestock. Children are the worst affected, with their health and development drastically impacted. New Generations staff in the region say thousands of children in Northern Kenya will struggle to get enough to eat. We intend to serve those in need and feed the hungry. Join us in standing with those who are hungry.


As chaos and violence run rampant, affecting our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, we choose to take action with our God-given capacity to serve, love, and support. Our partners across this region are in prime locations to provide emergency aid for many refugees needing desperate help. 

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Please join us in supporting those who are suffering from natural disaster. In many places where our teams serve, they have experience floods, earthquakes, and even cyclones. Many people have lost shelter and all worldly goods. We are walking alongside them during this devastating time. Please join us so that the love of Christ shines brightest in the darkest of times.



Our teammates in South Asia are dying!  As of  May 27, 2021, we are mourning the loss of nearly 100 New Generation leaders in the span of a month! COVID-19 is making another sweep through this region, and we’re hearing tragic story after tragic story of families within our network, who do not have basic food and necessities, let alone medical care for their sicknesses.  The need is growing by the day. Now is the time to demonstrate what the Body of Christ is all about to our brothers and sisters who have no ‘safety net’. Click the link below to learn more about what you can do.

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New Generations has a long history of moving towards trouble and not away from it in crises like earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and typhoons.  In every case, our response was driven by the twin goals of help for hurting people and the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

We don’t know how long this global pandemic will last in the areas where we work in Africa and South Asia, so we don’t yet how bad it will continue to be.  Here is what we do know:

  • Conditions are crowded – Social distance cannot exist.
  • The people are poor – Many will die of starvation before sickness
  • Health care is bad – If you are sick, you are on your own
  • Economies are fragile – No $2T bailouts!
learn more about our covid-19 response


For several years we’ve been quietly but steadily “saving” girls out of the sex industry until now we have 5 centers for prostitute rehabilitation. On an average, $500 will buy out the contract of a gal and give her a new chance at life. Then she learns to start “following Jesus” in community with other gals like herself. She begins sharing what she’s learning with other gals still caught in the trap of prostitution and she eventually starts an inductive Bible study with them. If you’d like to get involved in this ministry with us, we have a special account with New Generations called RESTORATION MINISTRIES where all donations go to “saving” these girls.



This last year, our teams and the believers in their communities have been persecuted more than any other time. They have been attacked, imprisoned, and sometimes even killed. Most recently  bibles and churches were burned. We are heart broken by this tragedy. We have seen the devastation in the eyes of the church leaders and heard the deep discouragement in their voices. One of our regional leaders urged us by saying, “Something must be done because when one part of the Body of Christ is suffering, the entire Body is affected.”  He also went on to say, “In every crisis there is opportunity! I have seen over and over again how what the enemy intended for evil, God can turn to good! I believe that now is the moment to prove to the radicals that they can’t win. Now is the moment for light to drive out the darkness. Now is the moment to prove that love is greater than hate. And now is the moment to for followers of Jesus around the world to stand together as one!”


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