Ignite faith in some of the world’s toughest places this Giving Tuesday

A $20,000 Challenge Grant will double the impact of your gift. Please give before time runs out!


This Giving Tuesday, you have the chance to be a part of something big — something that will outlast all of us. 

With a $20,000 Challenge Grant, every gift you give will go TWICE as far to ignite Disciple Making Movements in places where the Gospel has never taken root.

One life transformed can have an incredible ripple effect — and Abeba’s story shows just how powerful that can be.

men of the batwa (twa) pygmy people are drumming

Abeba is a member of a remote forest community, and had never heard of Jesus. Raised with a deep connection to nature and local beliefs, he’d never encountered the message of the Gospel. 

But during one of our recent training sessions, he heard the story of Nicodemus asking Jesus what it means to be “born again.” Captivated by the message, Abeba asked question after question, and by the end of the session, he was ready to give his life to Jesus.

But it didn’t stop there. Within days, Abeba became a disciple-maker himself, leading his own group and sharing the Good News with others who had never heard it. His transformation from unbeliever to leader happened in just four days!

Today, your Giving Tuesday gift can help make more stories like Abeba’s possible, creating new disciples who will continue to reach others for generations to come.

Here’s how your gift can fuel Kingdom growth…

  • $1,000 can help start 2 new churches for 20-25 people hungry for the Gospel. 
  • $500 can help train local leaders to multiply disciples, who multiply churches, who ultimately multiply hope.
  • $50 could put a Bible in the hands of 5 people who’ve never held one before.

No matter what you give, the fruit of one gift will spread out into generations, igniting movements of new disciples and churches springing up where they’re needed most.

This Giving Tuesday, your gift can be part of a Kingdom movement that will outlast us all. And with every dollar going twice as far, your gift today will keep growing, spreading, and transforming lives in places waiting for hope to take root. 

Thank you for fueling Disciple Making Movements today!