I want to thank God for giving me the opportunity to know Jesus Christ.
Before this time, I did not believe in any religion and treated religious occasions and ceremonies with the greatest disrespect and lack of concern. To me, I looked at religion as a social club, a sense of belonging that attached man to a group and catered for his welfare in marriage and in death. This social security was what they were actually calling religion under different labels. For my personal social security, I joined the Catholic Faith to achieve these ends without belief in any God or Jesus Christ.
Before this time, I did not even know what forgiveness was.
All I wanted was a happy life and a decent visa into the afterlife with a noble burial. So, I faked it, and never had a personal relationship with Jesus. In the Catholic Church in my village, I attended church without faith. All I desired and wanted was the public acceptance of me as a Catholic Christian.
The Catholic Church is rich and has status all over the world. So, within it, I was heavily disguised as a man with no faith internally, but externally projected myself in public as the man with the greatest faith. In fact, I attended church once every month just to please my neighbors and sympathized with people when I was actually laughing at them.
But with the arrival of a new ministry in my community, I saw my colleagues and very close friends suddenly serious about God. What puzzled me was the fact that we were all Christians. I was Catholic, and they were professing to be Christians. What was the difference between us? I pondered.
Then the SD cards arrived, and it changed my life. After listening to the SD card from Genesis to Revelation, I discovered that I have been a fake Christian and not a follower of Christ.
Today, I am a changed man, and I presently serve as the Chairman for the management team of our church. I continue to depend on Christ to improve my life more and more.