Today, we complete a three-part video series on the Person of Peace. We hope you enjoy hearing from some of our regional leaders as they discuss this important strategy of evangelism.
As one of them says, there is a quick route and a slow route – one is largely more effective than the other. When we go the quick route to do the work ourselves, we may win one or two over, but we often lose many. We may unwittingly come into a community and usurp the leadership of someone already influential, doing more damage in the long run. We do not wish to create a competitive environment, so we find the most effective way is to work through a Person of Peace and partner with them to win their community.
The effectiveness of this model was proven when a chief of a village came to a training one day. He was not part of the training, but visiting a relative. Watch this video to find out the result of his visit and how it continues to impact his community.
And as always, we encourage you to follow New Generations on Facebook and Instagram for more encouraging stories like this.