Amidst the usual hum of disciplined activity within the Army barracks, Commander J notes a new rhythm taking root within his leadership. It began when he decided to introduce a Discovery Bible Study to his men. Regular time spent in God’s Word, discovering more about Jesus, asking questions, and then sharing their discoveries had led to a rapidly-growing number of men participating each week!
Currently, we praise God that a church has been established in this community of soldiers. Every evening from 7-9pm, the group spends time learning the Word of God, praying, and encouraging one another.
A unique project called Ending Scripture Poverty allowed New Generations teams to provide an audio set of Scripture and songs for this group. Commander J had this to say about the audio format: “I am extremely happy for audio Bibles given to us, which are easy to operate and to understand.”
As we continue this Ending Scripture Poverty initiative, it’s stories like this motivating us forward! We celebrate the places God’s Scripture can travel and the people who will benefit from the Spiritual nourishment it provides. Commander J added, “Many people think soldiers are difficult people, that they do not need the Gospel, and, therefore, they don’t share with them. But that’s not true. Soldiers have a difficult life, are traumatized, and desperately need the Word of God.”
May God’s Word travel to each people group and tongue until the whole world is spiritually filled with the Truth.