Zara was born in 1960 and grew up in the eastern part of Africa. She was a hard-working businesswoman and strictly followed her prophet before becoming a Christ follower. A time came when things went bad with her business. This very stressful situation led her into a deep depression and even mental illness. She was literally mad for many years.
One day, a church planter shared with her about Jesus. Despite her mental illness, the message was clear enough to attract her attention and bring her closer to Christ. Zara, after her contact with the church planter, had enough lucidity to share her story with her family.
She was severely persecuted. She had to move to a nearby village where being discipled led her to be completely healed from mental illness. As Zara went through a Discovery Bible Study (DBS), she started sharing her faith with other neighboring households. This resulted in several new groups getting started. The testimony of her healing and the transformation of her life created an echo that reverberated to her family.
Today, there is a DBS within Zara’s family. We can count 16 Muslim Background Believers (MBB) who are now faithfully following Christ. God is desperately looking for available people to use. He wants to work His way, even through a seemingly weak vessel like Zara.