The 10-year-old Church Planter

Stories of Transformation

9.13 feature

Kabir* is a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) Catalyst who leads his own house church. He has a ten-year-old daughter who heard the stories her father shared from the Bible. She memorized them and the questions that he asked the group. Without him knowing it, she started telling these stories to her friends. Just like her father, she would ask questions to help them discover truth about God.

One of her school friends asked her to tell more stories. Kabir’s daughter remembered how her father would talk about finding the person of peace. She saw her situation as an opportunity to see if her friend was the person of peace. So, she told the girl she would tell more stories but only if she could come to the girl’s house and share these stories with her parents and family members also.

The girl and her parents were very open. They also invited two neighboring families to come. After several weeks of hearing and discussing the stories, the father of one of the households decided to follow Jesus and be baptized. Kabir’s daughter didn’t know what to do next. It would not be appropriate for her to baptize the man. So, she told him to go talk to her father.

One day, Kabir received a visit from a stranger. The man quietly said to Kabir, “I want to be baptized.” Kabir drew back from the door in surprise. “Who is this man,” he thought, “and how does he know I follow Jesus?” He cautiously allowed the man to enter and invited him to explain how he came and wanted to be baptized.

Kabir baptized him a few days later.

God uses ordinary people to make disciples.

It’s never too early for a follower of Jesus to practice disciple-making. Stories like this remind us that God asks us for small steps of obedience, like sharing stories about Jesus with your friend. What might He do with your step of obedience?

*Names have been changed for security purposes.