My name is James,* a church planter and a disciple maker among a people group in a village in West Africa. My people are well known for their uncompromising faith in Islam.
Using the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) approach has proven to be an effective tool to reach most of the people in my community.
We had a goal to start many new DBS groups, and then to combine three into a church. To achieve this, we prayerfully dedicated Thursdays and Saturdays to DBS in communities, with the aim of turning those DBSs into churches as they continued to grow.
After several weeks of effective DBS, we organized a mass baptism for all our new disciples who had participated in the three DBS groups we held simultaneously. By the grace of God, we were able to baptize 15 new believers from the DBS groups. We bring them all together on a regular basis for fellowship.
It is our prayer and goal to continue coaching these new disciples to plant more seeds, make more disciples, and create more churches! Glory to God for the work He is doing. If you’d like to learn more about the Discovery Bible Study method, visit https://newgenerations.org/approach/.
*Names have been changed for security purposes.