Proverbs 6:6-8
Go to the ant, you lazy one, observe its ways and be wise,7 Which, having no chief, officer, or ruler, 8 Prepares its food in the summer and gathers its provision in the harvest.
In dissecting this verse, we come to find some key points:
- The audience – “you lazy one” not “you ignorant one”
- The problem – foolishness expressed by not doing what you know you should
- The illustration – ants do what they are supposed to do without being told/forced by a chief, officer, or ruler
- The solution – “observe its ways and be wise” by imitating ants (faithfulness without oversight)
How does this apply to DMM?
Ants operate on automatic instinct. Disciples operate on nurtured instinct. For ants, God built in the operating system that guides them without any ongoing instructions. For Disciples, catalysts/coaches help them discover the DNA of obedience and then nurture it into a lifestyle of obeying all Jesus commands. This aspect of the catalyst/coach role is complete when obedience is ‘instinctive’ – Disciples naturally do what they are supposed to do without any chief, officer, or ruler directing, rewarding, or penalizing them.