My name is C, a church planter, and an intercessor.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, when all places of worship were closed, I went outside of the normal practice to start a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) in a community called Salina. I met a person of peace and we started a DBS in his sitting room. Soon, he started inviting his neighbors and friends to join us.
The home became too small for us. Later, from the personal understanding in the group, the attendees decided to be followers of Christ and to be baptized by immersion. We organized our first baptism just after our 21 days of fasting and prayer; and to the glory of God, we had 80 souls baptized that day.
By the grace of God, some of the disciples baptized that day now have started DBSs in other areas of the community. They have such a strong desire to make other disciples like themselves.