My name is Eliza. I learned basic Disciple Making Movement (DMM) strategy online for 9 weeks, and after I was put on cohort for another 9 weeks with Lifeway leadership, I am still on cohort every Monday. When we arrive for our meeting every day we are asked “How will you obey, and with whom will you share?” This helped me to become a disciple and grow spiritually.
One of the methods or principles I practiced was that I prayed and looked for people of peace within the women of our existing church. God directed me to a few, and praise the Lord, they understood what I was talking about. So, we began Discovery Bible Study (DBS) groups in my home. I always emphasized the “I will statement.” Through obedience, other women started joining us.
So, after a few weeks, we challenged ourselves to go into the community to pray and to look for persons of peace. While we were going around, I saw a small schoolboy walking home, but when I looked at his school uniform, it was not pleasing. The shirt had a lot of “spots.”
Since I am a tailor, I called the boy, gave him another shirt, and started repairing his school shirt. As I did this, the boy looked at me and I felt a heaviness in my heart, and I couldn’t hold back the tears. After I was done, I told the boy to take me to his home, where I found his mother. The boy ran to his mother and told her what happened. The mother came running and gave me a hug, as she cried. She became my person of peace and started a DBS in her home. She is now a discovery group leader, and out of this DBS she began one more group. As for myself, I am now coaching 6 DBS groups.