Hiba* followed a different religion, but she knew nothing about her beliefs. She was married and raised children, and then steadily, God began to draw her toward Him with a hunger for (what she would discover is) His love.
When one disciple-maker from her neighborhood told her about the love of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, she immediately accepted Him as her Savior and Lord.
But after she became a follower of Christ, she and her immediate family were persecuted severely for their faith. Hiba was harshly persecuted, even by those within her family. There were many times when she escaped from persecution, and she credits this to God having a purpose for her life.
In faith, Hiba gave this testimony:
I will not deny the Light of my life when I am persecuted and marginalized by my neighbors, relatives, and extended family.
Hiba continues to live a life of obedience. She was baptized with water, and she is a witness for Jesus. The Lord is working strongly in her life and is doing amazing work through her wonderful testimonies. Ten people, including her husband and former persecutors, have come to the kingdom of God. Prayers and Discovery Bible Study (DBS) began in her home.
Please keep praying for this family and all unreached people in their community.
*Name changed for security reasons