Ordinary People Leading DMM

Stories of Transformation

One of the foundational elements of Disciple Making Movements is the commitment of ordinary people willing to follow Jesus in obedience to the Great Commission. This often looks like unlikely leaders taking ownership of their calling to make disciples who make disciples.

Today, we get to hear a testimony from Roy, who discovered his own inability to do this work. Instead, he knows it’s the power of God at work in him. We love hearing stories of ordinary followers of Jesus who do extraordinary things in His name and through the Holy Spirit.

Roy’s Testimony

Happy New Year my brothers in faith. My name is Roy from the Central African Republic (CAR).

I read the testimony of my big brothers, the Longa missionaries, and other missionaries who have been practicing Disciple Making Movements (DMM) for a long time and the results of all they have achieved, as well as what they have seen in me and all I am achieving through DMM. I thank the Lord for all of this.

When I look back a few months, I noticed that I was working from my own strength, and the steps of DMM were for me like simple lessons learned in school. But now, I realize that it is no longer me who is working in my own strength. I am transformed by what I do, by the practice of compassion, by my contact with men of peace, by the growing number of faithful followers and churches, and by the testimonies.

I feel very weak and vulnerable, but the achievements are very great, and I realize that I do everything with the strength of God through DMM. I can do everything through him who strengthens me.

May God help us, along with fellow disciple makers, and bless us in this end time. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!