Ramesh’s* story is one of resilience, transformation, and hope. At 26, he’s a living testimony of how God’s love can rewrite even the hardest chapters of life.
A Tough Beginning
Ramesh lost his hearing in early childhood due to meningitis. Life became a series of struggles, especially after finishing primary school. His body changed due to illness and adolescence, but no one ever explained what was happening to him—or why he was different.
Hostility replaced friendship, and conflict followed him, even within his family. Isolated and misunderstood, he took refuge in a small room outside the family home. With no access to further education, he survived on odd jobs, earning just barely enough to scrape by.
A Life-Changing Encounter
Ramesh had never heard of God—or the possibility of being truly loved. But in 2023, Manoj, a deaf Disciple Making Movement (DMM) practitioner, met Ramesh and shared the message of Jesus.
For the first time, Ramesh felt seen and understood. The Gospel offered something he never thought possible: belonging. He decided to follow Jesus and was baptized.
A New Purpose
Since then, Ramesh has been filled with joy and a sense of purpose. He actively participates in discipleship meetings, Sunday worship, and prayer gatherings. His thirst for God’s Word is growing, and his passion to see others in the deaf community discover Christ’s love for themselves is undeniable.
Ramesh’s transformation is inspiring not only to Manoj, who has seen his disciple-making bear fruit but also to others in the discipleship group. What started with three people in early 2023 has grown to fifteen by September 2024. They’re now splitting into two groups to reach more people—and Ramesh will be leading one of them.
A New Legacy
A little over a year ago, Ramesh was lost, lonely, and without hope. Today, he is a disciple of Christ, living out God’s love and spreading it through the deaf community. He has become a leader, determined to help others discover the same hope that changed his life.
Our burning desire is to see many more “Ramesh” stories unfold within the deaf community. May God be glorified as His love continues to transform lives!
*Names have been changed for security purposes.