My name is Raoul,* and I live in the great Congo Forest in Africa. Since my youth, I had been a heavy smoker with no hope of quitting because my addiction was too deep. My wife, family, friends, and all the members of my community did their best to help me. But when I tried to stop, my cravings became more violent, and I quickly returned to them.
One day, after repeatedly refusing invitations to join a Discovery Bible Study, I finally decided to attend. I heard about Lazarus’ story. What struck me as strange was the fact that I was allowed to speak. People listened to me, and I was taken seriously. As I tried to answer a few questions, I took a deep look at myself and discovered that as a smoker, I was a sick person and a great sinner, for destroying this body that God gave me. If nothing changed, I would die.
When I shared my feelings with the friend who invited me, he told me more about Jesus’ love for me. He prayed for me and after the prayer, I felt like a heavy chain and deep guilt had been loosened from my soul. Since that day, it’s as if I could fly because my heart is at peace. I discovered the love Jesus has for me, a sinner!
Now, I tell everyone I know about what Jesus has done for me. God’s grace motivates me to help other smokers and sinners give up these addictions and follow Jesus.
Not by our power or might, but by the spirit of the living God, more people are discovering Jesus Christ’s ability to transform every life.
*Names have been changed for security purposes.