Part 5: Paradigm Shift
The radical “new” idea of how to plant churches using the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) process is not unlike how the Pharisees and Sadducees may have felt when Jesus came, preaching news of the Kingdom come. If a mindset shift ...
Part 4: Paradigm Shift
“It’s not how much they know. It’s how much they obey what they know.” There must be a shift in the way traditionally-trained church leaders think if we are to understand the effectiveness of the DMM process. Rather than assume ...
Part 3: Paradigm Shift
The first response to the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) process is often rejection. You’ll find that to be true in the story of those in this video. And yet, we find that through simple obedience, this DMM process is not ...
Part 2: Paradigm Shift
The call to make disciples of all nations is a call for everyone. Each of us plays a role in God’s Kingdom. There is so much joy found in the Disciple Making Movement process when we realize we are obeying ...
Part 1: Paradigm Shift
Successful Disciple Making Movements begin not with a program or technique, but with a passion for seeing a city truly follow Jesus. The desire must be heartfelt and deep. In this video, we hear from our Southern Africa Regional Director, ...
Part 6 : Access Ministries
Sometimes it’s easy to forget the power of the Holy Spirit when it comes to discovering Jesus and growing spiritually. God is the only one capable of the transformative work in the heart. Our job is to be faithful in ...
Part 5 : Access Ministries
There are three primary areas to search for people of peace: the home, the workplace, and other spaces people gather when they are not at work or home, such as gyms or clubs. We’ve found these to be consistently successful ...
Part 4 : Access Ministries
We find positive results when we consider the simplicity of ministry as a lifestyle. Rather than depend on polished or extensive events and programs, we consider the basic need for humans to be loved, listened to, and cared for. As ...
Part 3 : Access Ministries
Access ministry and compassion are intertwined. You can’t have one without the other in the communities where disciple-making is the goal. When we consider Jesus’ ministry on earth, He was healing, feeding, providing, and sharing with the community! Why should ...
Part 2 : Access Ministries
Access ministries bring to light a few key concepts in disciple-making. First, it’s really helpful when disciple-makers are able to earn a living! We believe God calls every Jesus-follower to be a disciple-maker, so it’s necessary to still be earning ...