Compounding Is The Key
We’re on to point four in this five-part blog series. Harry Brown, President of New Generations, has taken the time to express the five things he wishes he would have known at 35, when it comes to doing the work ...
Part 4: Paradigm Shift
“It’s not how much they know. It’s how much they obey what they know.” There must be a shift in the way traditionally-trained church leaders think if we are to understand the effectiveness of the DMM process. Rather than assume ...
Obedience Is The Epicenter
For those of you new to this blog series, we are expanding on five points our President of New Generations, Harry Brown, wishes he would have known at 35, in regard to completing the work of the Great Commission. It’s ...
Ordinary People Are The Only Option
Welcome to part 2 of this 5-part blog series, where we’re gaining insight into the heart of New Generations’ approach to the Great Commission. Harry Brown, President of New Generations, offered much insight on this topic. If you haven’t had ...
Part 3: Paradigm Shift
The first response to the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) process is often rejection. You’ll find that to be true in the story of those in this video. And yet, we find that through simple obedience, this DMM process is not ...
Get Serious About Strategy
What does it take to fulfill the Great Commission? It’s a big question – one that our President at New Generations, Harry Brown, is very passionate about. In a recorded Zoom call, we were able to hear from him on ...
Taking Responsibility
Of late, I have been gleaning great insights from a book called, Lessons in Leadership, by Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. He begins his book by saying, “If leadership is the solution, what is the ...
Part 2: Paradigm Shift
The call to make disciples of all nations is a call for everyone. Each of us plays a role in God’s Kingdom. There is so much joy found in the Disciple Making Movement process when we realize we are obeying ...