Simon Becomes a Follower of Jesus
My name is Simon,* and I was brought up in a Muslim home. I used to perform my five daily prayers until early this year when I met with a church planter in my village, commonly called Brother John. He ...
From Discovery Groups to Church Plants
My name is Simon,* a church planter and a disciple maker in West Africa. My people are well known for their uncompromising faith in Islam. Using the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) approach has proven to be an effective tool to ...
How Audio Bible Devices Are Ending Scripture Poverty in Africa
In villages throughout Africa, audio devices are being used to translate the Bible in Discovery Bible Study (DBS) groups. During one of these DBS groups, a young girl heard the gospel, and it touched her so deeply that her life ...
Widowed Women Make Disciples
Hassan* has been faithfully promoting the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) in his district for many years. Today, he’s leading a life-changing training program at a home in his community, where around ten women are learning what it means to be ...
Transformative Discipleship
I used to tell people about God, but not many were interested. One day I met with someone who shared with me about the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) approach to disciple making. This changed my mind because I learned a ...
Auditory-Preferred Women Making Disciples
My name is Arjun*, and I have been actively spreading Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) across my district for many years. Recently, I had the opportunity to conduct a training program at Deepak’s home in a neighboring district. We gathered with ...
The 10-year-old Church Planter
Kabir* is a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) Catalyst who leads his own house church. He has a ten-year-old daughter who heard the stories her father shared from the Bible. She memorized them and the questions that he asked the group. ...
New Generations of Churches
We are coaching fellow brothers and sisters to start generations of new churches, rather than just single churches. Now, they’re developing generations of new leaders for these churches. If that’s your goal, it’s crucial to consider how you begin. Our ...
African Occultist Becomes a Church Planter
Dakarai* was a young man, the son of a chief. From the time he was a teenager, he had smoked cocaine. He also sold it to others, encouraging them to follow his lifestyle. For years, Dakarai had been deeply involved ...
A Mobile Phone Discovery Group
Two high-caste girls came to faith along with their parents and other people from their community. The two girls went off to college in another town. They initially started two Discovery Bible Study (DBS) groups among their peers at school, ...